Monday, 30 July 2012


The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) founded by Don Bosco in 1864 are today contributing to educating youth in institutions across 173 nations. Numbering 17555, the members of the Salesian Family profess to be "signs and bearers of God's love to the young."John Melchior Bosco was born into a family of poor farmers on August 16, 1815 at Becchi, a hamlet near Turin, Italy. He lost his father at the tender age of two and so his mother, Margaret, took on the task of bringing up her three children with love, discipline and great courage.
A dream at the age of nine, left an indelible stamp. A beautiful lady, Mary, the Mother of Jesus appeared to him and said. "Not with blows, but with loving kindness!" And as she spoke the wild beasts in his dream became gentle lambs. John interpreted this as a divine command to work for poor and abandoned urchins.
The long years that followed were filled with an amazing enthusiasm to make that dream come true. It began with studies for the priesthood. He was ordained a priest in 1841. Everywhere he looked he saw young people - unemployed, sad, roaming the streets... He made up his mind: "At all costs, I must stop boys from ending up here." One December day in 1841, Bartholomew Garelli, a migrant from a village called Asti, entered the church to seek warmth from the biting cold. Three days later he had around him nine urchins, a month later twenty-five, that grew to eighty. And by the summer of 1842 he had over 300 boys.
Meanwhile, the boys who frequented Don Bosco's club began to accept him as their father and guide. Some expressed their desire to become like him. And so, the Salesian Society, comprising priests and lay brothers, was born. (The word 'Salesian' is from the name of the patron, St. Francis de Sales, a saint much admired by Don Bosco for his kindness and gentleness).
In the early hours of January 31, 1888, Don Bosco breathed his last. The greatest gift he left posterity is his unique method of education. One that was inspired by his one magnificent obsession: "It is enough to know that you are young and abandoned for me to love you."
More than a century after his death, thousands of Salesians continue to spread learning combined with love, inspired and motivated by his life

Thursday, 7 June 2012

our don bosco

John Bosco, popularly known as Don (Father) Bosco, Was ordained a priest at the age of 26. He immediatelyBegan his work with orphans and opened a home forBoys where his mother wderved as housekeeper, within aShort time, 150 himeless biys who were living with him Were instructed in religion and given an opportunity toLearn trade skills. Workshops for tailoring, shomemakingAnd printing were set up, and Don Bosco trained his staff to assist him in caring for the boys. Those associated with Don Bosco and his work beganTo accept him as their father and guide. Some expressedTheir desire to become jst like him. And so the salesianSociety comprising priests and lay brothers was born .(the word 'salesian' is from the name of the patron, st.Francis de sales, a saint much admired by Son Bosco For his conversion from an angry young man to a kind and gentle bishop.) The Salesians dedicated themselves to the care ofOrphans and other boys who were homeless and their Mission spread rapidly from notthrn italy to the entreCountry. Whrn Don Bosco died in 1888, the Congregation, which was only 20 years old, had over1,000 members. It had also spread to 7 countries in Europe and South America.
       The greatest gift Don Bosco left is his unique way of Education, a method that was inspired by hisMagnificent obsession: 'it is enough to know that youAre young and abandoned, for me to love you veryMuch.'More than a century agter the death of Don Bosco,Thousands of peoplehave dedicated themselves to the Continuation of his apostolic love for young people.All over the world, the salesians of Don Bosco (sdb),As they are called, have a single mission: to be 'signsAnd bearers of God's love for the young.'



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Sunday, 29 April 2012

Twenty-five years of priesthood Celebrations begin with a music concert

Fr Thomas Chakkalamattath inaugurating his sacerdotal silver jubilee celebrations by lighting the lamp yesterday at Hari Sri Vidya Nidhi School, Punkunnam.
A programme as part of sacerdotal silver jubilee celebrations of Fr Thomas Chakkalamattath was held yesterday at 3pm at Hari Sri Vidya Nidhi School, Punkunnam.
He was the director of Chethana Music Academy. Chakkalamattath completed 25 years of priestly life- a life spent in the service of youth through music. The programme named 'Gurupranamam' began with a prayer followed by a music concert by Stephan Devassy, Alphons and Franco.
He was led to the stage in a procession and a memento presented to him by provincial Fr Paul Achandy. The students of Chethana also performed a variety of programmes. Fr Antony, principal of Don Bosco College Mannuthy, and Prof Paulson Challissery spoke at the function.
The programme was organised to establish a Music Archive-a centre that would cater to the needs of music lovers from any part of the world. They also wanted to establish a scholarship as it will be a great help for the talented but financially weak candidates to continue their studies in music.
Today, 'Rhapsody' will be held at Regional Theatre. The programme will be inaugurated by music director Jerry Amal Dev. The souvenir will be released on the occasion. There will be a music programme by former students Stephan Devassy, Alphons Joseph, Gayathri Asokan, Job Kurian, Sangeeth, Shomi Davis, Rinson, Sunil Kumar and Jossie Peter.

Four Engineering Students of Don Bosco University to go to USA on exchange

Guwahati, 19 April
Four Engineering Students of Don Bosco University to go to USA on exchange
Signing the MOU are Dr Jerry Stesenson (Vice President, International Relations, University of Arkansas, USA) and Fr (Dr) Stephen Mavely (Vice Chancellor, Don Bosco University, India)

The Assam Don Bosco University has signed an MoU with the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA, last month for a six point exchange programme. In compliance with the same, the first batch of four students will spend their Fall and Spring Semesters in the USA.

“Needless to say, the students selected for this Programme will be the pioneering brand ambassadors of Don Bosco University abroad. As such, the University will have to be choosy in its selection of candidates,” said the vice-chancellor Dr Stephen Mavely announcing the programme. Students of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Departments of Don Bosco College Azara currently in their 4th Semester at Don Bosco University are eligible to apply before 24th April 2012.

Selected students will spend their 5th and 6th Semesters at University of Arkansas in their Electrical (Engineering Technology – Electrical), Electronics (Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology, or Engineering Technology – Electrical) Department. Students from Arkansas will come on exchange to Guwahati next year.

Explaining the exchange procedure, the vice chancellor said, “Don Bosco University will accept the credits earned at University of Arkansas during the two semesters of study at Arkansas. Don Bosco University will issue mark sheets for these two exchange semesters based on the performance at the University of Arkansas.”

He added, “the selected students will pay the normal tuition fees to Don Bosco University for the 5th and 6th Semesters. They do not have to pay tuition fees to the University of Arkansas for the two semesters of exchange study at Arkansas.”

The total cost for the two semesters including travel, insurance, board and stay is about INR 2.5 (two and a half) lakhs only.

The University has also signed MOUs with DeSales University (Pennsylvania) and University of Chester (UK) for similar staff and student exchange programmes. Other collaborations with universities in Germany, Switzerland and Thailand are in the final stages of taking off.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Sultan Bathery Don Bosco Technical Institute & Don Bosco College


Sultan Bathery


Don Bosco Technical Institute 


Don Bosco College


Chaplaincies, Don Bosco College (Calicut University), B Sc Computer Scence, BA Travel & Tourism, B.Com wiht computer Application, Don Bosco Tech: (Off-Campus Study Centre of MG University: MBA, M.Com, MA English, M.A. Sociolgy, B.B.A.). Advanced Welding: Automobile Engineering: PLus Two: (Open School-Commerce with computer application), Maruthi Authorized Service Station, Hostel, MoRD Project, CFCA.
The Diocese of Kottayam, through the instrumentality of Msgr. Stephen Jayaraj OFM, extended an invitation to the Salesians to begin a technical school in Sulthan Bathery. The diocese owned a plot of land in Kottakunnu of Kuppady village, of which two acres was proposed to be donated to the Society for the starting of the technical school. On 12th April 1994, while the negotiations were still going on, on 12th April 1994, the Society bought 1.5 acres of land adjoining the diocesan land. On this land the construction work began in 1995 and was completed in 1998. In the meantime the society entered into a contract with the Diocese of Kottayam and the agreement was signed on 3rd June ‘98. According to the contract, 2 acres of land would be donated to the society and the society in turn would start the technical school, where the Catholic Youth of the Kottayam Diocese would be given preference. Five trades are proposed to be started here. They are: Computer, Motor Mechanics, Electricals, Electronics and Welding: All the five trades have been started on a non-formal basis.
 In September 2001, the institution obtained accreditation to conduct ‘O‘ level computer of DOEACC.
·      From 2001 onwards this institution has become an official study centre (Off-Campus) of the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and can conduct courses like BCA, MCA, MSc IT, MBA, etc.
·      To work for the intellectual, spiritual, cultural, social and physical formation of the youth through technical training using Don Bosco’s preventive system of education and thus empowering them to be resourceful personel.
·      To form the youth to responsible citizenship who appreciates whatever is good and noble in the multi-cultural aspects of Indian life. Educate the young to be promoters of justice and peace in the likeness of Christ.
·      To help the young to draw up a project of life with the plan of God and guide the individuals to master the skills academically, technically and vocationally to help him/her to earn a living.
·      To inculcate in the youth gospel values and thus help them to be useful and responsible towards themselves, their families and their country.
Don Bosco
Sultan Bathery
Wayanad – 673 592
(04936) 22.30.17                                              DB College Prp & Office
(04936) 22.21.07                                              DB Tech & House
(04936) 22.44.89                                              Rt
(04936) 22.50.87                                              VR, Adm, V-Prp College,
                                                                       Co-ordinator MG Uni.
(0)                                            Rt
(0)                                            VR, Adm, V-Prp College, Co-ordinator MG Uni.
(0)                                            Tech (Maruthi Service Station)
E-mail:                                      House
Cl. Kannukettiyil Bince                                  St. B.Ed
Fr. Kokkandathil Joe                                     V-Prp (College), VR, Centre, Co-ordinate MG Unit
Fr. Pynadath Varghese                             Rt, IC Tech
Fr. Thekkedath Antony                                  Adm, HoD Computer Science 

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

NSS Volunteers 2012

NSS Volunteers – DB College, Bathery – Reach Out

February 12, 2012 by Thomas cook
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The NSS volunteers of Don Bosco College, Sultan Bathery reach out to the poor cancer patients of the state of Kerala. The Social Security Council under the Social Welfare Department is assisted by volunteers from the college in collecting money from the public. Twenty five NSS volunteers went around different parts of Sultan Bathery town in spite of the burning sun. They returned with contented hearts at the end of the day.
Bro. Bince sdb

Sunday, 1 April 2012

DON BOSCO COLLEGE sulthan bathery


     The college seeks to help the students to be intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrate, p
hysically fit and socially acceptable persons. we aim at moulding the students to take lead in creating a just and human society, where the dignity of the human persons is respected, where unjust social structures are challenged, where our cultural heritage of Ahimsa, religious harmony and national integration are upheld, where the poor and marginalized are specially taken care of. This institution is open to all students irrespective of caste or creed. They are accepted and cherished as they are and are helped to grow in their culture, social and religious tradition. Our secret of success is that it is a community of educators who are committed to their vocation, professionally competent, morally upright, just and who possess a true vision of education.

Friday, 30 March 2012



       St. John Bosco was born in Turin, italy in 1815. Two years later his father died and this future saint was raised by his mother. He experienced the pains of poverty at a very tender age And his life work was inspired by these early years. John Wanted to become a priest, especially to assist youth. In order to pursue his dreams, he had to leave home at avery young age to jin the city school. Much bigger thanhes classmates, he was often the object of considerable ridicule. Earning whatever he could agter school byworking as a tailor or a cobbler and studying by candle light, little did anyone know what his education cost him.       John Bosco, popularly known as Don (Father) Bosco, Was ordained a priest at the age of 26. He immediatelyBegan his work with orphans and opened a home forBoys where his mother wderved as housekeeper, within aShort time, 150 himeless biys who were living with him Were instructed in religion and given an opportunity toLearn trade skills. Workshops for tailoring, shomemakingAnd printing were set up, and Don Bosco trained his staff to assist him in caring for the boys. Those associated with Don Bosco and his work beganTo accept him as their father and guide. Some expressedTheir desire to become jst like him. And so the salesianSociety comprising priests and lay brothers was born .(the word 'salesian' is from the name of the patron, st.Francis de sales, a saint much admired by Son Bosco For his conversion from an angry young man to a kind and gentle bishop.) The Salesians dedicated themselves to the care ofOrphans and other boys who were homeless and their Mission spread rapidly from notthrn italy to the entreCountry. Whrn Don Bosco died in 1888, the Congregation, which was only 20 years old, had over1,000 members. It had also spread to 7 countries in Europe and South America.       The greatest gift Don Bosco left is his unique way of Education, a method that was inspired by hisMagnificent obsession: 'it is enough to know that youAre young and abandoned, for me to love you veryMuch.'More than a century agter the death of Don Bosco,Thousands of peoplehave dedicated themselves to the Continuation of his apostolic love for young people.All over the world, the salesians of Don Bosco (sdb),As they are called, have a single mission: to be 'signsAnd bearers of God's love for the young.'